Saturday 25 February 2017

Who do you support?

Who do you support? Is it because it's your local team? You're favourite player has just signed for them? Do they wear your favourite colour? There are many factors that you might consider when making an important decision like which football team to support.

But what about the people around you? Your loved ones, the ones you care about. Do you support them? Do they support you?

When the going gets tough, we all need a shoulder to cry on. Even when we have our good days, its still nice to feel supported. We all need a rock in our life. Someone who's always there for us, through thick and thin. The one person who can make sense of the things we do, the things we say, and things we say we will do. It is not uncommon for us to find that someone when we least expect it, and with that, we must hold onto what is dear to us and who can guide us through the most difficult of times.

They say "You cannot choose your family, but you can choose your friends", and in many ways this is true. But, What most families have in common, is the simple fact, that no matter what you do, the best of you will always rise to the surface. I have always been supported. Always looked out for, and always been able to be myself. I cannot be myself, unless I do what comes naturally. If I have to try and be someone or something, then it is not me. I cannot expect support or love from someone if I am being someone I am not. There is no in between.

Today, Scotland Rugby Team had the hopes of a nation on their shoulders as they took on Wales at Murrayfield in the 6 Nations. Will the pressure of 6 Million people, they came through the adversity, and beat one of the favourites for the tournament with 20 unanswered points in the second half of a memorable display of rugby. Each one of the fans who paid good money to be at the stadium, will remember this day. Those that watched on television or listened in on the radio, will know where they were when Scotland beat Wales in the 2017, 6 Nations match. The players on the field will always appreciate the support, and will always play for their country above all else.

With this in mind, It's not always about remembering where you were, or what you were doing, when someone extends the olive branch to help or aid you. What goes around, comes around. To help one, is to help all. Maybe you can take the time to support someone that needs it

See each day as an opportunity. 1 year has 365 opportunities. What will opportunity number 1 be for you? Who needs your support?


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