Tuesday 21 February 2017

Choosing The Right Equipment.

I'm not here to preach and tell you what you should and shouldn't use, have or buy. Nor am I here to thrust my opinions on you so you feel the same way I do.

These days, I like to think of myself as being one to try before you buy, and use whats comfortable for you. I think that it is fair to say that you only know it all once you've tried it all.

I love a gadget. iPhones, MacBooks, Apple watches, iPads (I see a theme here....), I've tried them all and love them all. The watch not so much, but the rest I have in my armoury of mobile devices. In this day and age, stuff gets done quickly. If it takes too long, its not worth doing, or they'll go somewhere else. Technology assists our everyday need for news, gossip, sports, Facebook, and the list goes on.

We see a man sitting in a cafe window, sipping on a cup of coffee, reading his newspaper, and watching the world go by, like a psychopath. Why do I say psychopath? It's not normal in everyday life to see such an event. We are all glued to our phones and tablets, always looking for the nearest wifi hotspot, needing our fix of social media or online gaming. Gone are the days where we can enjoy each others company without being interrupted by the 'ping' of a text message, or the 'clang' of an email.

It would be hypocritical of me to sit here and tell you that I don't do that too. I try everyday to reduce my data usage, and be more socially aware. I saw three men sitting in a local bar on a Thursday afternoon, 'waiting for their partner', all three sat for over an hour, eyes fixed on the OLED displays of their mobile phones. Not a word uttered, to each other, or to anyone else - except when they needed a refreshment in the form of a pint of lager, or some other alcoholic beverage. I couldn't help thinking it was quite sad, that we as a society cannot make conversation with a total stranger anymore. Perhaps they were all planning world domination.......

Anyway, I digress. Back the subject matter. I used the words 'Right Equipment'. That can be anything. A physical thing, like a pen or paper. A skill, like cutting hair. Or even an emotion or feeling, like being happy or sad. It all depends on where you are and what you want to achieve. When we put our minds to it, anything is possible. We can learn a new skill, become better at something, we can listen to other people and give advice. These are everyday things that we do automatically.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Me? I fumble around for the home button on my phone, and check what time it is. Then, I roll to my left and look at the person I love, usually with a snoring pussy cat in the way, I lean over and give my better half a kiss and then begin the daily ritual of catching up on emails, checking the weather. Oh yeah, then I feed the cat who's waiting patiently by her little pink dish, her eyes fixed on mine as I go into the kitchen and serve up her morning meal. I love a good start to my day.

I believe that you should tell the person you love, that you do indeed love them, face-to-face, at least once a day every day. Text messages, emails and status updates on Facebook do not count. It is always nice to see it written down in black and white, but not as good as hearing it whilst looking into their eyes.

Your mind is the most important piece of equipment you use, and you use it everyday. Make the most of it.


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