Wednesday 28 September 2011

Ten Things That...Drive Me Up The Wall In A Bar.....

Here is a list of things in everyday life that annoy me.....

1. Customers who take forever to remember their order.
2. People in bars/clubs who insist on turning their shot glass upside down on the bar when they have finished.
3. Those people who have to use all the salt (even though you don't need it) when shooting Tequila, and spread it all over the bar top.
4. The clowns on the dancefloor that think they have moves....(Be nice!)
5. Morons who seem to forget that the mirrorball on the ceiling is not a pinata.
6. The annoying girl at the bar who tries to queue jump, and then is disappointed when she doesn't get served next.
7. The tools that think it's clever to order a drink, forget not to ask for no ice, then take the ice out of their glass and dispose of it on the floor....I want to slap them.
8. There's always one person that thinks the 'No Service In This Area' rule, doesn't apply to them.
9. The young students who cannot add £1.50 and £1.50....
10. And finally....the complete and utter fools, that get to the bar, order their drinks, and seem to forget that they need to pay for them using money - Total time wasters!

1 comment:

  1. Customers who play with candles!
    Customers which spend a £1000 pounds and forget to tip.
    Customers who think that champagne spraying is fun, they can stay and clean the ceiling afterwards.
